Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Spirit Storytime I just finished a HUGE comment on a blog-friend's blog and I thought that I should probably just use it as the meat of today's post. We've been dialoging about the Spirit of God and I was wondering if any of you would want to share stories of "successes" or "failures" at listening to the Spirit of God. I thought it might be a source of encouragement as we all seek to listen and sometimes to so well, and sometimes not so well. Anyway...if you want, I'd love to hear them. I'll start.

A few years back I was at a party where, for all I know, I was the only believer present. (I really don't know nor did I really want to consider the spiritual state of the others there, but anywho I was there and interacting with others.) I would strike up random conversations with friends and new acquaintances, talking about whatever...asking a lot of questions...really, I was just passing the time. Eventually the question that I had asked to so many others that evening was posed back to me, "so what's your major in school?" To which my response was brief, "business", and I added, "and I'm a Spanish minor". At that moment, I felt the Spirit of God telling me so strongly to be completely honest (because I was also a Christian Education and Ministry major). I just sort of ignored the thought in my head and pretended I didn't hear it thinking to myself, 'Why in the world would he want to hear about that?' So I ignored that call. But that voice didn't stop. It came back again...and I ignored it again...and again...and I ignored it. Needless to say, that I ignored the Spirit's leading over and over that night because I "didn't feel like going there when I was at a party and didn't really know these people" and blah blah. Really, I just didn't want to be seen as one of those "Jesus freaks". I blew it in a major way that night; I stifled the Spirit of God, and I'll never forget it.

I'd very freely call that a failure except that God really taught me through that experience and I hope (and pray) that I'll never make a similar mistake like that again. Fast forward to a year or so ago.Here's what I might call a success:

Last summer I took a group of students to Peru on a missions trip. The year prior I went down to Peru by myself to visit the place we'd be living and working and just to get to know the missionaries there. Needless to say that I fell in love with my new missionary friends, John and Jannette, and really felt a strong connection with them. We were able to openly talk about deep spiritual things and share our lives with one another. It was the start of a beautiful friendship. :)

In one of those moments, they were telling me about their daughter who they very obviously love soooo dearly. They were sharing a little about her and her she'd fallen away from God and was living with a guy that she'd recently had a baby with and wasn't in any sort of community or real relationship that spurred her on to the LORD. (I don't write any of these details as a statement of moral judgment...I'm merely relaying the facts as they were told to me to give you some background.) She was a little younger than me at the time, and Jannette was telling me about her daughter as if she were her most prized possession. Tearfully, she shared some of the hurts and frustrations that her daughter had expressed from her and I could see the love that she and John had for their daughter.

Well, on my way back to the States, they asked if I could mail some letters for them. One of the letters happened to be for their daughter. I brought it all the way back up to Chicago and as I was about to drop it in the outgoing mail, I heard a small voice telling me to write her. I started thinking...'Yeah right, why would I do that? She doesn't know me, she'll think I'm some weirdo for writing her out of the blue.' Anyway, the Spirit was insistent, "Write her."

Needless to say, I wrote her, not wanting for me to again end in failure from not responding to God's still small voice. I wrote her and told her who I was and that I had just spent a week with her parents. I told her that in my time there I'd grown to love her parents a lot and that I just wanted to let her know that they pray for her everyday. I told her that her mom and dad gushed over how wonderful she is and I finished my letter with, "Thought you should know all this," and that was it. I wrote the letter, tossed it in an envelope and mailed it. And for many hours afterward I wondered why I did such a weird thing. :)

I don't know how weird that girl thought I was for writing her out of the blue and telling her that stuff, but I know that when I told her parents that I did that a year later, they both started crying. I'll probably never know what God did with that letter, but I do know that I didn't ignore the Spirit that time...nor will I intentionally ignore Him ever again. (At least I hope I won't. I know I'm not above doing stupid things like ignoring the Spirit but I really want to matter how weird it sounds.)

So, what started as a comment in a blog has now become my post for the day. So what about you? Any stories for storytime?


shannon said...

For some reason, I'm having trouble posting a comment on my own blog, so I'll just post my comment here.

I think that's a GREAT story, BJ. Actually, they're both great, because both demonstrate the connection between you and God. You learned from them both. But I really love that you took the time to obey what you heard--even knowing it may not be well-received on the other end. I'm betting that your obedience will yield fruit in that girl's life. Keep us posted.

Great thoughts!

Dani Kekoa said...

Deep seeded anger from my childhood has been a major force in my life that has prevented me from being filled with the Holy Spirit.

If we become so consumed with bitterness and resentment, we allow a Spirit of Anger to dwell within us and infect those we love., which is exactly what has happened in my life.

I quickly realize that I can do nothing in my own strength after I've had fits of rage. As much as I have tried to overcome anger on my own, the Spirit of Anger has over powered me and possessed my soul dozens, if not hundreds of times. There have been many times when I have been able to identify the evil origins within me and resist it. But, there are other times however, when I have not resisted the devil and I become completely overcome with wickedness.

It’s like a wild animal caged, then turned crazed.
I’m trapped in Romans seven, committing these same sins.
Again and again.
Doing the very thing that I hate.

I am on a journey to overcome the spirit of anger with the help of the Lord.
Read more on my series on “The Spirit of Anger” on my blog at:

My current life verse:

“Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” - James 4:7

whaaaat! said...

Hey BJ, check out the May 25th "My Utmost for His Highest Daily Devotional" at which I have been checking daily since Layla (Well Woman) referred to it on her site. I think it definitely speaks to what we have been discussing recently on yours and Shannon's sites.

Daldianus said...

Who's God?

Anonymous said...

Today's blog is my favorite thus far. I thought the letter story was especially powerful. I'm sure that letter made a profound impact on her life. Thanks for providing me with my daily spiritual dose!

Bar L. said...

Why are you frustrated today? I prayed for you and re-read this post for a second time. Whatever you do - don't stop writing. More later.

Lindsey said...

I really appreciated your story. I'm a firm believer in taking that step to tell people how you feel or to just give that little bit of encouragement. I feel so special when someone writes me a letter, especially if it's sharing how they feel towards me, so I try my hardest to do that for others. I know you didn't find out how that person interpreted your letter, but just by the parents' response, you made a good decision. Always go that extra step to make someone feel loved.

Phil Morgan said...

That's a great story, and I can relate because I've had similar experiences. God has to personally train us all to hear His voice. 1 Samuel 3.

Jimmy said...

Great job, BJ. You certainly are not alone in not listening to the nudging of the Spirit, but what an wonderful feeling it is when you do. Your writings are always an inspiration to me because they are so real. Keep it up......please!

Jana said...

Hi! I found you via Blog Explosion. I love that other people have stories like this. I was sitting in church a little less than two years ago. We had gotten there late and so I started reading the bulletin for the announcements we'd missed. One of them said that anyone interested in a missions trip to Cuba should speak to so-and-so. As I read that, a voice said, "You should go." It was so clear. I had never been on a trip like that, but I signed up. It was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life.

carpediemtomorrow said...

Hey, I have read your blog and would like to play the Devils Advocate, no pun intended.
Having read numerous books on religion and myths, how can you justify the christian churches rites when everything you celebrate was a previous Pagan celebration. It is a known fact that Jesus was married and Mary Magdelene bore him a child and that there is no evidence that Jesus would have been crucified on passover, a Jewish holiday, then taken down the next day, it just never happened! The Romans would leave the bodies there for at least 4 days, unless as more and more people believe nowadays that Jesus (yes I do believe that he did exist) was put on a cross in the private grounds of his rich benefactor and PR man, Joseph of Arimathea. Taken down and then travelled with Mary, Joseph and their maid to France.
Hat off to you if you have read all you can and it is your faith that keeps you going.
Great thoughts and a great blog, compliments to you.

BJ said...


One of the main differences between you and I is where we find our sources of truth. I believe the Bible is the prevailing source of truth--God's Word. Therefore, books that don't fit with God's Word, are not reliable and cannot be used as books that reveal truth. Hence, why I can never believe that Jesus was married and had a child. There is a ton of support for Jesus being crucified on the passover as the fulfillment of the Jewish feast. (I don't want to get into all that now though.)

I do appreciate the kick back, Scott, as I, like you, never just believe things I read. I ask questions. It's in my nature. I just wish that people would ask questions of the Dan Brown's and others that make their assumptions and stretches regarding spiritual and religious things.

Thanks for your comments. I hope to see you back. And thanks to all the rest of you for your encouragement. Bless you!

prying1 said...

At one time a girl I knew asked me to pray with her for some rock star she knew personally. I felt the Spirit nudging me to NOT pray with her. I figured that couldn't be right. What was the problem with praying for someones salvation? Getting into the prayer I soon discovered that the girl could care less about his salvation. She wanted God to get the dude to marry her.

Susan L. Prince said...

prying1 posted a comment at my site and suggested I read this post. I am thankful I was led here because it was interesting to read of your experiences following, or not following, the Holy Spirit. Thank you for sharing the success and for teaching a lesson you learned from a time when you weren't so ready to be obedient to the voice of God.

The story I have to share, and even a few more, are to be found at my blog, but in short last week my friend and I had a chance to see the Christian rock group Day of Fire at a venue that was basically a bar. It was very smokey, with beer being consumed and bottles everywhere, other bands on the stage were NOT Christian, many lost people were there, and so was the Holy Spirit! It was an amazing experience and the topper was having the opportunity for intercessory prayer as one of the band members was leading a young man to Christ after the hard rock concert. It was awesome!