Sunday, May 22, 2005

Jesus of Nazareth

Part of what I've done for my youth group over the past few years is search the web high and low for great pics. Here is one of my all time favorites. I don't know where it came from, but I do know how it's stirred my heart. I hope it moves you like it has moved me.


Bar L. said...

WOW! The first thing I did this morning was to check your blog and here is this awesome, striking, powerful image of Jesus staring at me. It put my whole day in perspective.

Wilson Clan said...

Could that be from the Jesus film? That one that has been in like every language? Pretty good one, although, never quite what I think Jew from 2000 years ago would look like. :o) GBU

JOE B said...

Once a year, i teach my 10th grade ss class about the crucifixion. Like you, I was always looking for good pictures. I wanted some to go with my presentation. I finally found a program where I could take still pictures from DVD movies. I took some from the movie "The Passion". Man they are some awesome pitures, just like this one.
God bless, Joe

CelebPixx said...

Jesus of Nazareth was a British TV mini series from the late 70's, that's Robert Powell playing the usual blonde and blue-eyed Jesus.

BJ said...

I agree with all of you that we have no idea and the blue eyes are a little much, but I still like the pic. :) Thanks to everyone for sharing. Bless you!

Charlie said...

This one always gets me...

Thumper said...

BJ, JESUS OF NAZARETH, I watch too much t.v. in seasons, but this one is worth the watch for sure! I'll never forget this face and expression. Worth renting. His voice was perfect also...