Friday, May 13, 2005

A New View of God

It has been interesting working with high school students and hearing how they talk about God and thus formulating what their view of Him must be. Some of them view God as the nagging mother who doesn't let them do anything fun ever. (This is not to say that you mothers who are reading this are nagging moms, but let's face it: they do exist, and when they do, these moms are dang good at their nagging.) Some of my high schoolers view God a sort-of 'Santa Claus in the sky' kind of guy. Some of them view God as a distant judge who doesn't really care but just wants to burn them when they screw up. So, how about you? What is your view of God?

One book that changed my way of thinking was Larry Crabb's, The Pressure's Off. In reading that book I was forced to think about just how often I view God as mysource of blessings--and rightfully so, because He is. God has done so much for us: He's our provider and protector, He's given us family and has allotted us his cattle (see Psalm 50, verse 10 in particular), some more than others; our God is the bestower of many blessings. In The Pressre's Off, though, I was forced to evaluate my view of God in giving an honest answer to this deep question: Is God just your source of blessings or is He truly your greatest blessing? One more time:

Do you view God as your source of blessings or as your greatest blessing?

I don't know how that hits you...but for me, this was a HUGE wake up call for me. My intentions were good: I desired to view my LORD as my greatest blessing, but the way that I prayed and the way that I trusted and relied on Him revealed so much of the contrary. I mean, when it comes down to it, I don't want to pray for more cattle. (If you didn't link to Psalm 50 and read it, then you're wondering why I'm talking about here's another chance for you: Psalm 50.) The cattle is only valuable when we realize that it is God who has bestowed it. It's not about the cattle, it's about HIM!!! I'd much rather pray for more of Him, wouldn't you? What would your life look like with more of Jesus in it?

I'll bet you that if you start praying for more of Him, then you'll get more of Him, and when you get more of Him, you'll want even more. And eventually, I really believe that you won't be happy with a mere increase in your cattle...unless, of course, it means an increase of His presence and His Spirit with you as well.

Let me know what you think! Bless you!


Bar L. said...

Another thought provoking post. I never understood God as "Father" until I became a mother.

Ironically as I was reading your blog I was simultaneously nagging at my son. He wants to play with matches. At least he asked.

Anyhow, I just got distracted (now he wants to see if his Co2 tank will work as a fire extinguisher) and I lost my train of thought on this post!

I'll write later. Have you read "The Prayer of Jabez"?

Keep writing!

The Complimenting Commenter said...

Very interesting post. You bring up a good question that people should ask themselves. Great work.

Rick said...

good stuff - got here thru blogexplo, fyi. i'm in the middle of the book right now, and it's frustrating because i'm pretty cynical :). i understand the concept, and leaving linearity behind is cool (if i do A, then B will follow). but i find that he uses linear thinking to make points about non-linearity - what's up with that?

BJ said...

One of the things I know of Larry Crabb just because I have friends that know him personally, is that he tries (sometimes too hard) to make what he's saying understandable, and it ends up coming out linearly. I'd like to think there's a way to communicate without implying that A leads to B and vice-versa, because I hate formulas. In reading his books though, I get past that by knowing that's not his point nor his heart. He really just wants to communicate what he really feels God has given him. And I love what God has given him to share with us. ...other than that, I have no good answers for you. :)

PetiteMommy said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. You have some interesting reading..I'll be back...

Anonymous said...

Thank God for sites like this. there is so much filth on the net. Lets work together as Christian soldiers and stop the ACLU from taking away our rights as God-fearing people and promoting a pro-homosexual anti-family agenda in our schools. Let's give thank to President Bush.

Lindsey said...

Great post, definitely made me open my eyes to how I view God.