At work, after I spent $20 for my $9 lunch (since it was Administrative Assistant's Day and we treat the office ladies to lunch), I took a CPR course with the rest of my staff. Sidenote: we were also trained on how to use a defibrillator. So, if any of you aren't showing signs of life and are not breathing and both you and I happen to be in my church building, I am authorized to shock you back to life. Just thought you might want to know that and would want to be around me more now cuz I'm extra cool. Anyway....
So we took this CPR course. I took CPR way back in the day when I was in advanced swimming lessons but it's been a long time. I was impressed this time by the thought of breathing life into the unconscious dummy. And it hit me: GOD HAS BREATHED NEW LIFE INTO ME, THE ONCE UNCONSCIOUS DUMMY! The breath of the Spirit of God gives me purpose in my life and wakes me from my unconscious slumber of life in the darkness. It doesn't just allow my brain to work and my heart to beat; this life promises me a hope and a future and a love in the person of Jesus unlike any other love that exists in this world. This breath of life is not limited to my time on this earth, rather, it is eternal; it does not merely sustain a heartbeat but offers me the reason for me to be alive in the first place! And this breath of life is available to anyone out there who desires it. What dummy (manequin or human) wouldn't want a breath of new life to revive him?
May you this day breathe the life-giving breath of the Spirit on those you meet. Bless you.
WOW! I sure hope your around if I ever need CPR or have heart failure. What a perfect picture God gave you today - breathing life into the once unconsiouc dummy, I love it!
I also noticed that one of your favorite movies is "A Few Good Men" that should be on my list also. That's my all time fave TC movie.
I'm going to read more of your blog now :)
Bless you,
Layla (aka Well Woman)
Yeah, I figured I'd be of some incredible use now that I've been trained in CPR and defibrillation. :) I'm glad God uses the simple things in life to teach me...otherwise I'd probably miss what He's saying most of the time. Thanks for your comments!
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