I don't know about you but when I think about pet peeves, one predominant peeve comes to mind. Now, I concede that I probably think of this first because I work at a church and this seems to happen on a weekly basis, but it really bugs me. Here's my peeve: Someone approaches you, either in person or, if they really want to make you mad, via email or the telephone, and says, "I've got some things I'd like to talk to you about. It's pretty important. Give me a call this week sometime so we can schedule something for next week. Ok?"
Actually, no, that's not okay. If someone has important things to talk about with me, then let's talk about them. Why wait? Unless you're just trying to drive me nuts.
I must admit, however, that if I didn't care so much about whatever it was that these people were going to tell me, then this wouldn't really be an issue. It's just hard not to wonder about what it is that they're going to say--especially in the realm of church politics. I'm not so sure that there are ways around this one, though, as it feels I'm stuck in this world, at least for now. I know I live outside the Windy City but I didn't think politics would or could impact the church this much. It's weird what people don't see until they're on the inside.
This isn't just a church problem, though, and therefore I don't blame my peeve on the church. Overall, I guess I just care about people and the issues that they have and I want to make right on what I can in an expedient way. Why wait a week to talk to someone about something that has been bugging you? Doesn't Scripture say to not let the sun go down on your anger? I don't think I've ever known anyone that has done that. We're too worried about giving people their space and being considerate of their time and therefore we put off dealing with issues and in turn we actually help segment the body of Christ. Why choose to keep up a barrier between you and a brother or sister ever...much less for a week because you're being "considerate"? Actually, in my opinion, this is quite inconsiderate. When you put anything above the edification of the body for the glory of God, you are choosing your way versus God's way. I don't know about you, but I definitely want to live what Larry Crabb calls the New Way. (I'll save that for another post.)
:::Deep breath::: Well, again just a few of my thoughts for today. I wish I had a penny for my thoughts. I'd have a lot of pennies.
1 comment:
You work for a church, I work for a ministry. Hmmm. Not the same, but probably a lot more alike than different. One of my pet peeves is when someone at work wants to talk to me but I am talking to someone else and they just stand there. I don't have the luxury of an office therefore no door to close for privacy. When this happens I want to scream "GO AWAY - can't you see I am talking to someone!" but somehow I don't think that would go over very well and is probably not the most Christ-like response.
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