Thursday, April 28, 2005

Pink Aliens?

I was talking to a friend last night and she asked me a question: "Do you believe in UFOs?" Now, not knowing this girl all that well, but knowing that she does have a faith in the LORD, I was a little surprised. I responded quickly, "No." To which she returned, "Why not? What if I told you I saw one?" To which I returned, "You didn't see one because they don't exist." This conversation went back and forth for a few minutes and then I asked her a question: "Do you believe in pink elephants?" Surprised, she laughed and I pressed her on it again, "Do you believe in pink elephants?" She thought about it and responded, "Well if I actually saw one I would." Even more surprised, I responded, "But pink elephants don't exist. Wouldn't you question what you had seen?" After a short talk about the sovereignty of God and parallel universes and life on other planets and the authority of the Scriptures (as short as all that can be), we decided to end our little talk. My friend ended the conversation with, "I can believe in pink aliens if I want to." :)

This conversation, though very humorous at the time and seemingly nonsensical has helped me to think about Jesus. [I know you're thinking I'm stretching things just a bit here, but give me a second to explain.] Imagine being alive during the days of Christ. Imagine having a friend of yours walk up to you and ask you a question: "What would you think if I told you that I just saw the Son of God?" You'd be like, "I think you're a nut job and I'd have to beg you to lay off the sauce a little bit?!" And what if he pressed the issue: "I'm serious, I've met the Son of God! I talked to him. We went out to Starbucks and we each got caramel macchiatos. He's really awesome." You'd probably respond sassily something like, "Don't you think if the Son of God was going for coffee he'd invite me and not you? You don't even like coffee drinks. Now I really don't believe you." It would be hard to believe, though, wouldn't it? Even if you were the Jews and were expecting the coming Messiah. It would be hard to believe and yet it was true. [Obviously not the part about Starbucks, but I decided to take a little creative liscense to spice things up a bit.] Jesus did walk this earth and touch people and heal them and chill with them. He did hold kids because he thought they were wonderful, and people saw him and talked to him and he made them feel important. He taught and modeled and mentored and encouraged. The Son of God is real. All we have to do is believe.

That's the essence of faith, isn't it? Believing in something not because you can prove it but just because. What does the Scripture say? Hebrews 11:1 reads, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." And that is what I am. I am so sure of the hope that I have in my LORD that I would believe it stronger than my friend would believe in pink elephants even if she "actually saw one". I'm just glad that my faith lies in the God of the universe sending His Son, Jesus, because He love His children--YOU and ME and everyone else on earth--so much. 1 Timothy 2:4 talks about God as the one "who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth." That truth is available for anyone--EVERYONE that believes. Personally, I'm very grateful that my faith isn't in a flying saucer or pink aliens or other unproven, unverifiable anomalies. I'm grateful that my faith is in the living God, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the presence of His Holy Spirit with us on a daily basis. May you (and I) be drawn deeper into that faith today! Bless you!


BJ said...


Thanks for you post. Actually my friend doesn't really believe in aliens. She was just pushing my buttons to get conversation going. I was actually writing to point out that we can all have faith in many things and I choose to have faith in my LORD and my God. I appreciate your post and I welcome people's beliefs--whether they are the same as mine or not. I did not mean to come across offensive, so if I did, please forgive me. I welcome your comments in future posts. Thanks again for writing.

Dani In NC said...

BJ, I just checked out your blog and you have written some very thought-provoking posts. Keep up the good work!

BTW, how did you find my blog? I compared our profiles and I can't see anything in mine that would draw you to mine. That's not to say that I didn't appreciate your visit -- I'm just curious.

Bar L. said...


I enjoyed your latest post and like your definition of faith. I hope you don't mind me quoting you on my blog!

Next time you look at my blog be sure to check out the Xanga site by my friend Regi. I think you'll really like it.