Here's something I wrote while I was at Wheaton College:
Give me, Lord, courage to trust when I can’t see—
Courage to live and courage to be.
Give me, Lord, the strength to endure—
All of the trials, and Lord keep me pure.
Keep me, Lord, down on my face—
Both before and after and even during the race,
That I may give thanks and seek help all of my days,
That I may glorify you and bring to you praise.
I love you, my Lord—my God and my King.
I love you so much more than anything.
For even in the hurt—these times when I don’t understand,
I know you’re beside me, still holding my hand.
I know that you’re there Lord, desiring that I
Give you control—supreme control—of my life.
“But Lord,” I cry, “that is so hard—so hard to do.”
“Yes, my son,” you respond, “I agree it’s hard. That’s true.
But remember Christ—your Savior and friend.
Surrender to him from now till the end.
BJ, look through my eyes. Look and see!
Have that courage to live and courage to be
The son that you are, that child of mine,
The son I adore—my perfect design.
Remember, BJ, that it is only through me
That a perfect son you ever will be.
So, model the Christ—the only perfect one,
And become, grow up and develop, more and more as my son.”
BJ -- September 2, 1999
Amazing that I can be the son of the God of the universe. He calls us children! Not that I am worthy, O God, but that you are that gracious. Thank you.
My friend Layla speaks very highly of yoru blog, so i thought i'd stop by and read around a bit. It's very inspiring to see you passion for the Lord. I really enjoyed the reading, i'm sure i'll be back.
Thanks for stopping by to check me out. Layla's words are far too kind, but thank you...and thanks for your encouragement. I've so appreciated the support of the body of Christ that I've experienced through blogging. It's been such a blessing to me. Hope to hear from you again, Regi. Bless you!
Thanks for sharing these humble thoughts from your heart. Impressive how you were able to express them on paper and then to even rhyme each line,
but even more impressive is that I know your focus is on God and wanting Him to shine.
That's beautiful, BJ. I like what whaaaat! said about your focus. It's true.
I love your reading list over on your sidebar--and I was excited to see that "An Arrow Pointing to Heaven: The Rich Mullins Biography" was NOT on the list, because that means I get to recommend it to you. If you like Brennan Manning, you'll love Rich's story. That is one book that I've underlined and ear-marked and quoted over and over. If you do read it, let me know what you think.
I'll link to your blog, BJ. I really love your heart and I know you'll minister to those I send your way. God bless you!
What a moving and powerful message, BJ. Thanks for sharing this with all of us. I'll probably be printing it out to keep on my desk at work. You've been a blessing.
Amazing poem! God Bless!
WOW. I read this the other day and thought it was great, but today when I came back to see your "new post" (there isn't one!) I re-read it and it was even more beautiful than the first time. Good stuff, bro!
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